Advancing The Craft Of Health & Wellness Coaching

Wellness Blog


Connection is the currency of wellness.

Jack Travis, M.D.


We are a curious species to have made it from when homo sapiens first appeared to where we are today.  There were many branches to our evolutionary family tree and looking at our branch we weren’t the strongest, or fastest.  Our teeth are puny, and our nails…

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Our common belief is that resolutions made at the beginning of the New Year usually fail, so why make them?  As James Prochaska was fond of saying, intending to change and changing are not the same thing.  Yet isn’t setting good intentions a good thing?


Setting Intentions

Setting intentions means you are considering a change.  You…

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“In a way, what Motivational Interviewing was thought to do in the beginning was to help people become ready. In the addiction field we were blaming people for not getting better, saying ‘well, come back when you’re ready.’  Well, we don’t do that with cancer.  That’s not good enough.  So, what can you do if a person doesn’t seem to be ready?  Well, that’s

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The Best Coaching Question


As a guest on Mike Vera’s Podcast Healthy & Awake ( was surprised to be asked “What’s your favorite question to use in coaching?”  For a brief moment I was puzzled by the question, then I immediately said 


“What are you aware of right now?”


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We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is write books about it.

Peter F. Drucker


As a psychologist I’ve often been asked by professionals in the healthcare and health promotion fields “How do you motivate these people?”  I’ve never liked that question.  The use of the term ‘these people’ often meant the person…

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2 people in the forest

Check out the best in Health Coach Training:

Lifestyle behavioral change is not simply a rational process. Emotions influence or sometimes completely determine the outcome of decisions we are confronted with every day.

When dealing with people remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.

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sunset on bay

Health and Wellness Coaches seek to serve their clients the best they know how. People have been drawn to do this work because they care about people and want to assist them in their journey to living their best life possible. To do this we bring forward our best utilization of coaching competencies, behavioral change theories, evidence-based practices and methodologies.

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One of the biggest barriers to our success in life, or with our Wellness Plan is our fears. What holds us back from making the changes in our lives we know we need to make? How do we coach with someone around their fears while staying within our Scope of Practice? (

Fears and Consequences


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practice good habits sign

The longer we do anything the more we fall into habits. Habits are time savers. They help us avoid making our lives more complex than they need to be. They often are shortcuts that help us to experience less stress and get things done, sometimes quite efficiently. Doing certain things by rote can serve us well. Health and wellness coaches…

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“We define mindsets as core assumptions that we have about domains or categories of things that orient us to a particular set of expectations, explanations, and goals. So to put that a little bit more simply, mindsets are ways of viewing reality, that shape, what we expect, what we understand, and what we want to do.” Alia J. Crum, PhD…

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compassion group

How do we allow ourselves to enter the zone of compassion, and what holds us back from going there? How do we keep our “coherent sense of self” that Erik Erikson talked about intact when we connect with the ‘other’? (Allow me to use the term ‘other’ to refer to a person or persons, clients, or otherwise throughout this piece.).

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fireplace coffee

Winter is a great time for coaches to rest up, reflect and recharge their energy. It’s a great time to also work on your ongoing professional development and what better way this time of year than to cozy up with a good book!

Many of you are taking your professional development as a health & wellness coach seriously and

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Dr. Michael Arloski

Advancing the Craft of Health & Wellness Coaching

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