Advanced coaching skills
Coaching With a Positive Psychology Approach to Wellness Motivation Using PERMA-V

We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is write books about it.
Peter F. Drucker
As a psychologist I’ve often been asked by professionals in the healthcare and health promotion fields “How do you motivate these people?” I’ve never liked that question. The use of the term ‘these people’ often meant the person…
Masterful Health & Wellness Coaching: Deepening Your Craft A New Book by Dr. Michael Arloski, coming in 2020

The profession of health and wellness coaching is fully engaged in a process of transformation. As we grow to be of service to wellness programs, lifestyle medicine practices, employee assistance programs, insurance carriers, disease management companies, and all manner of healthcare providers, around the globe, the demand for greater quality coaching only builds. We are moving from a need for…