Advancing The Craft Of Health & Wellness Coaching

Wellness Blog

barbed wire

A key part of effective coaching is helping our clients to find a way over, under, around and through the barriers that get between them and their goals. The best-laid wellness plans are inevitably challenged by some combination of “life getting in the way”, lack of environmental support, or sometimes even the “push-back” resistance from peers.

The other side…

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fireworks celebration

The Holidays are a time to practice what we preach about wellness so you haven’t been seeing much activity here. Hope you are enjoying these days in the very best of ways to enhance your well being.

New Year’s Day is fast approaching and is a classic time to reflect on the old and consider the new. New Year’s…

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winter mountains

December’s darkness arrives at about 4:30 pm here in Colorado as we approach the longest night of the year later this month. It’s a time of hunkering down by a fireplace in the Northern Hemisphere and a good time to reflect on the past year with a hot cup of your favorite brew. It’s also a time when we yearn…

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self awareness

Personal growth is a lifelong process, and for the wellness coach it is a key component of their professional development as well. I’ll be blunt. If you are afraid of personal growth and change you’re not ready to be a coach. Do your work. Do your healing if need be, and when you can lovingly embrace your own growth as…

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Olive groves flank a Tuscan hill town

When I posted “Bringing Home Wellness: Souvenirs of Awareness”  it drew a fabulous comment from my good friend, Maria Hodkins, who is an itinerant chef and cooking instructor, . Rather than have those words languish in the backwaters of commentary on a single post, I felt they needed the spotlight of a featured guest blogger piece. Enjoy!


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airplane traveling

More and more jobs are requiring people to engage in travel as a continual part of their work. High tech solutions to communication have made it easier to travel and get the job done, and, to our stress-level’s demise, travel and never get away from working on that job. As I flew from Newark to Denver on the way back…

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The gastronomic capital of the world has to be Italy. Everyday life seems to revolve around composing the next meal or, as you travel through the country as a tourist, finding the next market, ristorante, or trattoria.

A long-awaited vacation to Italy with my wife, Deborah, and our dear friends Carolyn and Donnie, created many wonderful memories, and also…

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Don Ardell in the Madeira Beach Triathlon

In our last post Don Ardell contributed to our conversation on Aging and doing it really Well! Don begins by referring to the study he introduced in our last post. Here’s the conclusion of his thoughts and my reply.


What are the key variables here? (in aging well and longevity) Is the ability to live unstressful lives…

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Don Ardell

Don Ardell is truly one of the founders of the wellness movement that we can identify as getting in gear in the late 1970’s. His foundational book “High-Level Wellness: An Alternative to Doctors, Drugs and Disease” was ground-breaking and he has since contributed more wisdom through authoring numerous books, being a true ambassador for wellness worldwide, and importantly reminding us…

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tennis player

Our Aging Well conversation is growing each day. Yesterday my new wellness column in The Coloradoan, Fort Collins major newspaper, hit the streets! ( “Make Wellness an Integral Part of Your Lifestyle”.
I co-write the column with Jeb Gorham who is the wellness director at Miramont Lifestyle Fitness. ( In introducing ourselves to the Fort Collins…

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In late July after The National Wellness Conference, I posed the question in this blog “What is The Promise of Wellness?”. The Promise of Wellness I put the question out personally to some of the longtime leaders in the wellness field and it began a conversation with “The Queen of Wellness” herself, Sandy Queen. (


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teach ballroom

Sometimes I find that the coaching I am doing with my  clients flows into a combination of elements in their lives, their own wellness, their businesses, their families and their leadership opportunities.  Such a client related a story today that unexpectedly led us into talking about what worked so well in our coaching relationship.  She had just recently attended a…

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Dr. Michael Arloski

Advancing the Craft of Health & Wellness Coaching

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