Advancing The Craft Of Health & Wellness Coaching

Wellness Blog

The Well Traveler

General Well Travel Tips – Part One

Both ends of my Memorial Day Weekend were all about airports, jets and endurance! This holiday is the unofficial start of the summer season for most folks in the USA, and summer means more travel for everyone across the Northern Hemisphere. As I strategized ways to get through my travel days I…

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Cape Cod Sunset

How can we hold our own hearts in an embrace that completely lacks judgment and criticism? How can we hold ourselves tenderly with compassion when we stumble, fail, and fall short of perfection? Can we change our default setting from what-is-wrong with us, to what-is-right?

There seems to be a cultural admonition to be self-critical, like we would…

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Some say it is just a muscular pump in the middle of our chest. Others say it is the center and essence of who we are. Seat of all human emotion or cardiovascular electro-stimulated organ, nothing captures our imagination, hopes and fears like our heart.

I love it when science validates what we know “in our hearts”. Research now…

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Having a vision of living a life that is truly healthy and well provides sustaining motivation.

What gets you to put on your exercise shoes? What causes you to check out more carefully what you are choosing to eat? What helps you remember to put time for yourself on your calendar? Perhaps it’s a vision, in your mind, of you living a life that is truly healthy and well.

“Why don’t people do what they

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Wellness Coaching Lifeboat

Ingredient #1
The Coaching Relationship

Last Fall in Orlando, Florida, key players in the wellness coaching world convened at the Health Coaching Executive Forum, to make sense out of this evolving field (Organized by the World Research Group I was honored to be part of the keynote panel featuring thought leaders from around the country who are…

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Tai Chi Centering practice

You may not be a martial artist, a trained mediator, or a practitioner of Tai Chi. You may not be a trained athlete whose performance depends on how balanced they are on a ski slope or an ice rink. You may not be a professional dancer whose moves reflect what appears to be effortless grace. So, you may not be…

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When the Fort Collins/Loveland, Colorado metro area topped the Gallup Poll research as being the least obese metro area in the United States, those of us who live here were proud, but not very surprised. It is evident that things are a bit different here…in a good way.

Gallup found that there are huge disparities across our nation when…

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We are often admonished to slow down, to relax, to be mindful, to be aware, to live our lives consciously. We are urged to remember all of this and more. To “re-member” is to become again in touch with some part of ourselves, some “member”, that we have lost contact with. Most of us human beings find all of this…

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Welcome to Real Balance Wellness!  This is a place to explore the world of wellness and wellness coaching.  I'm Dr. Michael Arloski, author of Wellness Coaching For Lasting Lifestyle Change and CEO of Real Balance Global Wellness Services.  I've been contributing professionally to the field of wellness for over thirty years and am one of the early developers of the…

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Dr. Michael Arloski

Advancing the Craft of Health & Wellness Coaching

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