cell phones

Paradox, double-edged sword, blessing and curse combined, mobile devices have made our lives easier and more stressful at the same time. I remember the feeling of relief the day I finally got my calendar synched on my work/home computer, my laptop and my smartphone. Now I could be in a conversation with someone at a conference and set an appointment…

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relaxing lifestyle wine cheese

How trapped are we in the limitations of the culture we have experienced most of our lives? Greater travel and today’s technologically shrunken world has immensely increased our awareness of alternative ways of living. We do, in fact, have a world of lifestyle choices to draw upon. Let’s look at some cultural concepts and practices we might draw upon and…

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earth hands

Its a ten and a half hour plane flight from Sao Paulo, Brazil to Chicago, and then two and a half more to Denver. Home for two days I’m finally catching up on some real rest, and also catching up with perspective. Our dream of taking wellness worldwide continues to happen.

brazil coaching group 2012Wellness & Health Coach Intensive, Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Rocky Mountain National Park, Glacier Gorge. Elevation at Trailhead 9,240 ft.  Photo by M. Arloski

Whether it’s a trek in the Alps or a time to be “Rocky Mountain High”, getting up in the mountains is a great way to be well physically, mentally and spiritually. Being well at higher altitude however requires some important knowledge and sometimes, some caution. The people a wellness coach works with may face some challenges at higher elevation…

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Olive groves flank a Tuscan hill town

When I posted “Bringing Home Wellness: Souvenirs of Awareness”  it drew a fabulous comment from my good friend, Maria Hodkins, who is an itinerant chef and cooking instructor, . Rather than have those words languish in the backwaters of commentary on a single post, I felt they needed the spotlight of a featured guest blogger piece. Enjoy!


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The Well Traveler

General Well Travel Tips – Part One

Both ends of my Memorial Day Weekend were all about airports, jets and endurance! This holiday is the unofficial start of the summer season for most folks in the USA, and summer means more travel for everyone across the Northern Hemisphere. As I strategized ways to get through my travel days I…

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General Well Travel Tips – Part Two

Our last post generated lots of interest in traveling “well”. We’ll be posting more on this theme and on the larger concept of “wellness travel”, that is consciously planning and traveling in a way that enhances our experience in all the dimensions of wellness. Wellness is a whole lot more than hygiene…

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Prayer Flags, Shambhala Mountain Center, Colorado

“I want to slow down!” is a common answer given by travelers asked what they want out of an up coming trip. Slowing down, shifting “pace of life”, de-stressing, unwinding, letting go, and de-contracting are really high on folk’s travel agendas. The continual popularity of destinations like Mexico, Italy, etc., speaks to this desire to live life on a different…

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Table of food traveling

Sauntering through Italy, my friend Rob is currently tantalizing me with a torrent of Facebook-posted photos of “La Dolce’ Vita”. I want to be right there at the table with him and his daughter as they behold the meal in the picture above. I really want to be there! Then I think, sure, I’d rather be in Tuscany right now…

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Newfound friends from Italy and the UK dance the night away being well!

Wellness is a way of living to take with you wherever you go. Living well can also help you get there and make the most of it!

It was three o’clock in the morning and I was just getting to bed at a spa in Europe with a wonderful grin on my face. I had danced with newfound friends…

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Health Coaching Books

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Dr. Michael Arloski

Advancing the Craft of Health & Wellness Coaching

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