Real Balance Wellness & Health Coach Certification Class in Shanghai – 2017

Faced with the same lifestyle-based health crisis many other countries are experiencing, China has been searching for a way to help people truly succeed at lasting lifestyle change. Over half of the men in China smoke. The diabetes rate is now higher than the United States, with heart disease, COPD and other “lifestyle diseases” on the rise. Health information…

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Tai Chi Centering practice

You may not be a martial artist, a trained mediator, or a practitioner of Tai Chi. You may not be a trained athlete whose performance depends on how balanced they are on a ski slope or an ice rink. You may not be a professional dancer whose moves reflect what appears to be effortless grace. So, you may not be…

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Michael Arloski hiking in Conamara N.P., Ireland

Harvard’s School of Public Health ( is quick to tell of all the prevention advantages of exercise. We know that getting more movement and exercise into our lives can help prevent the onset of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis. Exercise can be vital to positively affect the course of these illnesses…

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people on beach at sunset

When the best leader's work is done the people say 'We did it ourselves.'                                Lao Tzu

In Part One -  In the previous post "The Tao of Wellness Coaching – Part One - What Centers Us?"   we grounded ourselves in the history…

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