The Wellness Traveler: Healthy and Well on the Move! General Well Travel Tips – Part Four

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Sauntering through Italy, my friend Rob is currently tantalizing me with a torrent of Facebook-posted photos of “La Dolce’ Vita”. I want to be right there at the table with him and his daughter as they behold the meal in the picture above. I really want to be there! Then I think, sure, I’d rather be in Tuscany right now, but I could come close to replicating that fantastic meal right here in Colorado.  In fact, why not eat that way more often?  The Mediterranean Diet is even American Heart Association endorsed!

With the amazing internationalization of the American palate stores have sprung up everywhere to meet the demand. Supermarkets have imported olive bars, some bakers are making bread that rivals the Europeans (finally!), etc. Why not buy the same ingredients and a bottle of Chianti and enjoy! Sure, it’s not “the same” as being there, that’s a big reason why we travel! So why not take our observations about The Sweet Life, the “Arte d’ Vivre” and bring home ideas, recipes and ways of living that enhance our wellness lifestyle?

Well Travel Tip #8
The best souvenirs…well living ideas to bring back and implement!

As you travel, anywhere, be a keen observer HOW people live.  Write down what you see (and taste!) and bring home the best observations as ideas for how you can live your life in a better way.
• If you enjoyed walking to a local market every couple of days, find a way to do that here at home.
• If you don’t live near a market, schedule a walk in a park near the store and then shop.
• If you enjoyed bicycling through town, find where you can do that more at home.
• If you envied the great sense of community that people enjoyed, come back and talk with friends and family about how to build that at home.
• If you loved that slowed-down lifestyle (perhaps the single biggest appeal of many destinations), observe how folks do it as you travel and see how much of that lifestyle you can bring home.

Sure, there are many differences between “here” and “there”. We may live where urban sprawl has killed many of these opportunities to walk and bicycle to a marketplace. We may have to get pretty creative at it, but take ideas home with you. They and your memories are the best of souvenirs!

Check out two related articles of mine on the Real Balance Global Wellness Services website: “Living Like You Were In Tuscany” and “Lifestyle as Art”. Download them free at:

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