Creating Allies For A Healthy World

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Its a ten and a half hour plane flight from Sao Paulo, Brazil to Chicago, and then two and a half more to Denver. Home for two days I’m finally catching up on some real rest, and also catching up with perspective. Our dream of taking wellness worldwide continues to happen.

brazil coaching group 2012Wellness & Health Coach Intensive, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Working together with our allies in Brazil, Samia Simuro and Rachel Skarbnik of Ser Psicologia ( we just completed our second Wellness and Health Coach Certification Training in Sao Paulo. Once again I was so impressed by the students we attracted to the training. They were eager to learn about wellness coaching and fully engaged throughout a grueling four-day training, made even tougher by the use of simultaneous translation. In the coaching practice they showed great coaching presence and picked up the skills quickly. Psychologists, physicians, physical therapists, fitness trainers and life coaches, the students came because they face the challenge of helping their clients and patients with lifestyle behavioral change, just like everywhere else in the world.

The World Health Organization, in 2003 began a campaign to alert us to how what they started calling “lifestyle diseases” were now the number one cause of death in the world. Communicable disease has moved into second place. ( Modern day stress, increased social isolation, “industrialized” foods taking up so much more of our diet, shifts in our ways of working towards less physical activity, continued tobacco use, and other lifestyle factors challenge everyone’s efforts to be healthy. And, WHO is quick to point out, the fastest increase in lifestyle disease is in developing countries, not just the leading countries of Europe and North America.

dublin irelandDublin, Ireland

In one month we will be traveling to Dublin, Ireland to bring wellness coaching to The Emerald Isle! Working with our new allies at The Institute for Health Sciences (, we will be delivering a Wellness and Health Coach Certification Training at the end of September. The nutritionists that IHS educates, like their colleagues everywhere, have continually found that the behavioral implementation of their dietary improvement plans has been the missing piece. Wellness coaching, they have found, fills in that gap beautifully.

The entire reason for civilization is to do more together than we can do alone. Alliances allow us to reach more people, do more things, and discover what works best. They catalyze action, create synergy, and, support us though a sense of community and common purpose.

Real Balance Global Wellness Services, llc,As Real Balance Global Wellness Services, llc, ( and The Wellness Coach Training Institute moves forward and continues to grow, we intend to do so with a new mantra: Creating Allies For A Healthy World. Please join our community of coaches and wellness professionals across the globe.

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

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