James and Janice Prochaska

James and Janice Prochaska were kind enough to edit the section of my new book Masterful Health & Wellness Coaching: Deepening Your Craft https://wholeperson.com/store/masterful-health-and-wellness-coaching.html that conveys how coaches can make use of their model for behavioral change – The Transtheoretical Model. I am deeply grateful to them for this. While many coaches are familiar with their work on the…

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Times arise when it becomes apparent to a wellness coach that their client would benefit from working with a mental health professional. The need for referral may be urgent and involve client safety as when there is a threat of harm to self or others. That rare situation is usually more clearly recognized, referral is made and coaching is usually…

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one way signs

“People don’t change until they are ready to.”
James Prochaska

Lifestyle improvement is all about change, as we explored in our last post. When it comes to changing our thoughts, beliefs, and our behavior, the big question immediately becomes “How ready are you to change?”. The answer is not a simple yes or no, and extensive theories have arisen…

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window to the light

It is easy to feel under bombardment today with news of COVID-19, economic chaos, and all of the fallout that reaches into our communities, our families and our lives. There can be a sense of negative overwhelm that can seem inescapable. This is true for us as well as for our wellness coaching clients. We all know that dwelling on…

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people on beach at sunset

When the best leader's work is done the people say 'We did it ourselves.'                                Lao Tzu

In Part One -  In the previous post "The Tao of Wellness Coaching – Part One - What Centers Us?"   http://wp.me/pUi2y-lN   we grounded ourselves in the history…

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Wellness Coaching News

Books by Dr. Michael


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Health Coaching Books

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Dr. Michael Arloski

Advancing the Craft of Health & Wellness Coaching

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