Hello world!

Welcome to Real Balance Wellness!  This is a place to explore the world of wellness and wellness coaching.  I'm Dr. Michael Arloski, author of Wellness Coaching For Lasting Lifestyle Change and CEO of Real Balance Global Wellness Services.  I've been contributing professionally to the field of wellness for over thirty years and am one of the early developers of the field of wellness coaching.

Here, I'll be sharing just what the tagline of this blog says "Wellness Wisdom and Wanderings". Less formal than the professional articles I write, this will still be a place where wellness and healthcare professionals, coaches, and anyone who wants to live a life more in alignment with their vision of being truly healthy and well will find value.

None of the content of this blog is ever intended to replace the medical consultation of licensed healthcare providers, nor should it ever be considered a substitute for such.  Readers are encouraged to make wise use of sound healthcare information and consultation from valid resources and to take responsibility to do so for themselves.

You can find out lots of information about wellness coaching, consultation and wellness and health coach certification training at our website: www.realbalance.com

Be Well!

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Books by Dr. Michael


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Health Coaching Books

All books can be purchased through wholeperson.com or Amazon.com


Dr. Michael Arloski

Advancing the Craft of Health & Wellness Coaching

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