Age Fabulously! Hey, Why Not?

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Our Aging Well conversation is growing each day. Yesterday my new wellness column in The Coloradoan, Fort Collins major newspaper, hit the streets! ( “Make Wellness an Integral Part of Your Lifestyle”.
I co-write the column with Jeb Gorham who is the wellness director at Miramont Lifestyle Fitness. ( In introducing ourselves to the Fort Collins community Jeb shared “Provided the fact that Michael has been involved in the wellness field since around the time I was born, we feel our cross-generational team presents an exceptional and unified vision of health and wellness.”

Accompanying our column was a great article by fellow Fort Collins author, Dan McGrath, entitled “Age Fabulously”. (
His new book is 50 Athletes Over 50 Teach Us to Live a Strong Healthy Life. ( Check it out!

Coming in our next post will be the always provocative thoughts of wellness legend Don Ardell as he and I continue the wellness conversation on Aging Well!  Join us!

don ardell 2007Wellness is far too important to be presented grimly!" Don Ardell

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