Real Balance Global Wellness Services provides the leading edge in certified wellness/health coach training, behavioral change tools, wellness coach program consultation, and resources for all wellness coaches and wellness coaching programs around the world. Our Wellness Mapping 360°™methodology provides a systematic framework for wellness and healthcare professionals to work with their clients and patients in making the positive lifestyle changes they need to make to increase health and well being.

Advanced Health Coach Education and CEU's
Our purpose is to provide a forum for students to further develop their skills and expand their scope of practice.
Completion of this series of courses will enable you to apply to the NBHWC to sit for the national exam and become Board Certified. In addition by adding the Mentor Coaching Group to the package you will also be able to gain credentialing with the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Our wellness coach & health coach certification program leads to not only a personal transformation, but it will rapidly and profoundly improve your ability to help your clients make breakthroughs and lasting behavioral change towards health, fitness, and wellness!
Blending the best from the wellness field with the practical and effective skill-base of coaching, The Wellness 360°™ model of wellness coaching gives wellness and healthcare professionals the skills they need to help their clients make lasting lifestyle change. It is a systematic wellness and lifestyle coaching process, based on evidenced based behavioral change psychology, human motivation, cultural support, and professional coaching competencies.

Become a Certified Wellness & Health Coach and join the Lifestyle Medicine movement. Experience the rewards of empowering your clients towards greater health and wellbeing!

Wellness Coach Certification Paths
The Wellness Mapping 360°™ certification training provides a structured, proven methodology that effectively supports the individual’s movement toward healthy lifestyle change. Complete the Wellness & Health Coach Certification path and become certified in the Wellness Mapping 360°method of wellness coaching. This is also the foundational class for the other two professional certification paths.
Professional Wellness & Health Coach Certification
National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) path
Support your clients or patients as they make the lifestyle changes needed to be healthy and well. Learn how to work with people who want to prevent onset of a health challenge or are adapting to living well with a health challenge. Learn advanced coaching skills as it applies lifestyle applications. Become a National Board ( certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC).
Develop deep interpersonal & Group wellness coaching skills. Graduates of this Professional path are eligible to apply to the International Coach Federation (ICF) via the Level 1 path. By adding the "Healthy Lifestyle and Chronic Illness" class to this Professional Wellness & Health Coach Certification path you also meet the requirements to apply to the NBHWC for their national certification. Gain two credentials for one learning path.
Continuing Education Opportunities

Masterful Health and Wellness Coaching: Advanced Skills and Craft
Take your health and wellness coaching to a more masterful level. Hone your coaching craft deepening your use of the Coaching Core Competencies as outlined by the International Coach Federation and NBHWC. This course will be application based with an emphasis on deepening skills and wellness coaching practice. Delivered via live-interactive webinar this is your opportunity to delve deeper into more advanced coaching topics such as self-disclosure, collusion, self-efficacy, coaching directiveness, use of questions, behavioral change theories, and more. Part of each class is live coaching and feedback.
Mentor Coaching
Study With Dr. Michael Arloski and Deepen Your Skills!
Join Michael Arloski, Ph.D., PCC, NBC-HWC for one on one Mentor Coaching. Enhance your Health Coaching Skills and get ready to take the ICF or National Board exams. These session will be focused on deepening your skills in working with clients doing the work of lifestyle change. Times and days will be set up individually with Dr. Arloski.
Michael Arloski, Ph.D., PCC, NBC-HWC Coach, Psychologist, Author, Speaker, Trainer
CEO/Founder Real Balance Global Wellness, Bd. Member Emeritus National Bd. For Health & Wellness Coaching
Mentor Coaching Group
Meet in a small group for 5 sessions and have Three individual Sessions.
Learn More
Individual Mentor Coaching
10 Individual sessions with Dr. Arloski.
Group Wellness Coaching
Further develop your skills and expand your scope of practice. In this 28-hour training. Learn the core concepts of group coaching and how to effectively integrate core health and wellness coaching competencies to working with groups.