Continuing Health and Wellness Coaching Education Offerings
We provide continuing professional development education for Health Coaches, ICF coaches, Health Educators (CHES), Nurses, Fitness (ACSM), Counselors & Social Workers (BCC), HR (SHRM) and Employee Assistance Professionals. If you do not see your professional body listed here just reach out to us!
You will also find short self paced classes in the Wellness Market Place!

Masterful Health Coaching
Work through Dr. Aloski's book Masterful Health & Wellness Coaching: Deepening Your Craft with Dr. Arloski or on your own in this 10 module self paced class.
Participants will engage in a process to advance their skill as health & wellness coaches seeking mastery of their craft. Following the chapters in Dr. Arloski’s book Masterful Health & Wellness Coaching: Deepening Your Craft participants will explore advanced topics such as client-centered directiveness, self-disclosure and collusion, masterful coaching skills, coaching with emotions and learn how to apply major behavioral change theories to the coaching process. Participants will also learn from recorded coaching demonstrations and observe the analysis of what made the coaching session effective.
10 CEU's Available
Body Centered Coaching – A Powerful Resource in Health & Wellness Coaching
Body-Centered Coaching is both an approach and a set of tools. This presentation will highlight specific strategies in ‘Body-Centered’ coaching and how to integrate the body’s wisdom into the coaching process.
Group Coaching Experience - Dancing with this Moment
This moment in history provides a unique opportunity to show up for ourselves and others in unprecedented ways, to productively reevaluate where we are and what we will embody moving forward. How do we adapt and change, consistent with our values, releasing what no longer serves us, and stepping into who we genuinely want to be?

Masterful Health & Wellness Coaching: Advanced Skills & Craft
Take your health and wellness coaching to a more masterful level. Hone your coaching craft deepening your use of the Coaching Core Competencies as outlined by the International Coach Federation. Open to all students with wellness coach training (not just Real Balance alumni), this course will be application based with an emphasis on deepening skills and wellness coaching practice.
Group Wellness Coaching
Further develop your skills and expand your scope of practice. In this 28-hour training. Llearn the core concepts of group coaching and how to effectively integrate core health and wellness coaching competencies to working with groups.
Laser Coaching
Further develop your wellness & health coaching skills by adding skills needed to provide wellness coaching to people in a time limited setting.