Program Development

Wellness Program Development: As your organization (hospital, disease management, EAP, wellness program, fitness center etc.) develops and expands its wellness services, gain access to the in-depth wellness knowledge of Real Balance Global Wellness Services Inc. and Dr. Michael Arloski. With more than twenty-five years in the wellness industry, the Real Balance GWS staff will help you to develop training, methodologies and physical spaces to make your wellness efforts more coach like and effective. Be a part of the growing movement to take wellness "one-on-one" through wellness coaching. Develop programs and centers that get the lifestyle results you are looking for in your employees and customers.

Real Balance Global Wellness Services llc combines consultative services with staff training anywhere in the world. Create the custom package of services that will meet your organizational needs. From vision to practical implementation, Real Balance GWS supports your success.As you are developing, recreating, or evaluating your wellness program, gain from the expertise of Dr. Michael Arloski PhD, PCC and the WM360 Program Solutionsand our "360" degree approach.

Wellness Coaching Platform for Organizations Let us show you how you can create a three-level approach that builds your wellness programming around wellness coaching. Our Wellness Coaching Platform For Organizations can help your staff to mold your existing wellness program around a coaching core. This platform reaches people where they are at, at the level of help they need whether it be self-directed, group or individual services.

The "Active Wellness" Model is based on the research of James Levine of Mayo Clinic Level 1 -Self-Directed

Keeping healthy employees healthy has shown the best ROI for wellness programs. Your existing wellness program probably has a good focus on prevention already, but we can show you how to take it beyond the "old school" approach of health risk reduction and information only.

Maintain and strengthen your wellness programming through:

  • Wellness and health education
  • Wellness event programming
  • Incentives and enrollment efforts
  • Bio-metric feedback (e.g. blood pressure and bloodwork screenings, etc.)

Enhance your wellness programming by adding:

  • Self-Coaching methods (e.g. Online assessments and guides, wellness guided journals for tracking progress)
  • Online support
  • Activity-based wellness programming (The Active Wellness Model) which includes transforming your workplace into a more totally active environment

Level 2 - Group Oriented

When the people you serve experience the onset of a health challenge (chronic illness, surgery, etc.) good medical help comes first, but there is always a way that improving their lifestyle behavior can help. People who are diagnosed to be at risk for the development of illness such as diabetes or heart disease can often prevent the full onset of such diseases when they are successful at lifestyle improvement. Those with a new diagnosis greatly benefit from the support and accountability that a group coaching process can provide. Group coaching can also take on a preventative function when topical groups focus on common efforts like becoming more active and less sedentary, eating better, etc. Groups can be very cost effective.

Maintain and strengthen your wellness programming through:

  • Identifying people who are at risk of developing or who have developed "lifestyle diseases" (illness that is related to lifestyle behavior and can be helped by lifestyle improvement)wellness-coaching-lifestyle-change
  • Providing good referral and medical resources for such people
  • Providing great wellness education classes and materials for them
  • Providing activity-based classes and opportunities

Enhance your wellness programming by adding:

  • Group Wellness Coaching Services
  • Paths Of Wellness Guided Journals for people with specific health challenges. These guided journals can serve as the basis for coaching groups focused on specific health challenges
  • Activity-based wellness programming (The Active Wellness Model) which includes transforming your workplace into a more totally active environment
  • Online supports

Level 3 - Individualized

While individual services take time and are more costly than group or population-wide efforts, they do pay off, especially for high-risk individuals and people who have failed to succeed at lifestyle improvement before. Some people are also not as open to working on lifestyle improvement in groups. Your wellness program has probably already made various efforts at individualizing wellness services. Now you can improve they way you work with individuals by learning how to follow a coaching approach. You can also learn how to build around the wellness coaching core instead of making it an afterthought in your programming.

Maintain and strengthen your wellness programming through:

  • Individual services you currently provide: health consultations, HRA feedback session, etc. Enhance this existing service by making "The Mindset Shift" from ineffective treatment and education methods to a way of doing consultations that is more "coach-like"
  • Providing great wellness education classes and materials for them
  • Providing activity-based classes and opportunities

Enhance your wellness programming by adding:

  • Individual Wellness Coaching services through training your staff, or through outsourcing
  • Paths Of Wellness Guided Journals
  • Wellness coaching that is built on the Active Wellness Model which emphasizes ways to increase overall physical activity and balance for greater health

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Dr. Michael Arloski

Advancing the Craft of Health & Wellness Coaching

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