
Educating & Supporting Great Wellness Coaches!

ChangeatalllevelsAwareness, Mindfulness and Coaching - Really great coaching takes place when the experience of coaching and being coached is rich, fulfilling, grounded in the present moment and yielding movement towards growth. It is easy for the beginning coach to be so concerned about following a process or procedure, that they have and provide an experience that is a lot less than what was hoped for. Let’s take a look at how the coach can be more aware of themselves, their client and the coaching process/interaction to yield the successful and satisfying coaching experiences we’re all looking for.



  • Awareness of Self

  • Awareness of Client

  • Awareness of Process

Awareness of Self: Coaching From The Inside Outcalmwoman

Call it what you will, self-awareness, consciousness, mindfulness. Despite all the hair-splitting distinctions we are talking about the degree to which you, the coach, are aware not only of your client and your surroundings, but of what is going on inside your own skin. "Reality is nothing but the sum of all awareness as you experience it here and now" (Perls 1969). Coaching from the inside out is about being cognizant of: 1)your bodily sensations, 2) thoughts, 3) feelings, 4) intentions. Let’s look at them one at a time, even though we experience them simultaneously and all three are affecting one another all the time.
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Awareness of Your Client

SpeechTherapyMainImageCoaching begins with self-awareness but quickly moves into awareness of your client on many levels. Here your own powers of observation need to be honed. The first challenge is just to observe, to notice, and just to notice. Once again don’t play detective looking for the “real meaning” of those arms folded across your client’s chest. This is about listening with your whole person, not just your ears. Notice your client’s nonverbal signals (even the vocal ones that come through on a telephone) and rather than interpret either file them away for future reference, or feed them back to your client. “I notice that each time you’ve referred to your boss today your voice gets louder and sharper.” You’ll also find that when you “just notice” without judgment, or trying hard to figure it all out, you naturally are less critical and your client feels more supported. meditation1-1
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Awareness of The Coaching Process/Interaction

This is about being aware of the dance, as you are dancing with your partner, your client. This is where you tap into your “third person observer” and take a look over your own shoulder. Bring your consciousness to the interaction that is taking place between you and your client. What patterns are you observing? What feelings are coming up for you about the interaction? Is your client showing up regularly and on time? Are they prepared for the appointment, perhaps having filled out a “prep form”? Are they succeeding at tracking their behavior where they’ve committed to do so?
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Explore this topic more fully with Dr. Arloski on August 25th, 12pm - 12:30pm eastern This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Free Webinar: Mindful Wellness Coaching: Inner and Outer Awareness This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (email Deborah to be one of the 25 participants)

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"15 Vital Books For The Wellness Coach: Straight Off My Shelf...."

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Real Balance Wellness - http://realbalancewellness.wordpress.com


Wellness Coach Opportunity - this is a great opportunity for coaches certified as WM360 wellness coaches! Workplace Options, a global provider of Work-Life, EAP and Wellness services based in the US,UK, Ireland and Canada, is seeking certified wellness coaches interested in coaching on an “as needed” basis. Workplace Options receives requests for coaching in every region of the world. If interested, please answer the following questions and send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..com Please include the details about your coaching and health and wellness background as well as your Name, E mail and Telephone number.

  • Are you certified as a WM360 Wellness Coach?
  • What languages do you speak?
  • Where are you located?

In which of the following areas are you qualified to provide coaching?

Weight management - Smoking cessation - Nutrition - Exercise fitness

Heart disease - Diabetes - Pre-Postnatal care - Other (explain)


Wellness Coach Certification: Take your current skills deeper - become more effective at what you are already doing! Add the best of Wellness Coach Certifications to your Credentials. ACSM & CNE approved.

Webinars: Experience the best of live - face to face training without having to leave home or work. All you need is a computer with a good connection to the internet, it's easy and interactive with n o phone charges! Save $200 with Combined Registration! Save more by registering early! Fees going up in January!

2010 Autumn Certification Schedule Wellness Mapping 360 "Wellness Coach" Certification - 20 hours
  • October 12th - November 11th - 12pm - 2pm (T/TH) early registration date 9/3
  • October 12th - November 11th - 7pm - 9pm (T/TH) early registration date 9/3
Wellness Mapping 360 " Health Coach" Certification - 12 hours
  • November 16th - December 9th - 12-2pm est (T/TH) (skip Thanksgiving week)
  • November 16th - December 9th - 7-9pm est (T/TH) (skip Thanksgiving week)

Live On Location in Colorado

Wellnessestes & Health Coach Certification Intensive December 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th of 2010 (Wednesday - Saturday) 32 hours of live training on location! Click For More Information

$1295.00 before October 15, 2010 ($1,395.00 after) Registration fee includes coarse manuals, digital toolkit, the books Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change and Paths of Wellness Your Journey to a Healthier Life, snacks/drinks daily, continued web/ personal support and daily access to Miramont Lifestyle Fitness Center. Assistance with travel arrangements available. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Wellness Coaching Competencies – November 19th (8 hours)
Click Here for More Information
$195.00 – Space is Limited - Learn the powerful interpersonal skills of coaching and how to promote and support lifestyle change. The emphasis is the use of wellness coaching in time limited settings - brief interventions. Individuals succe ssfully completing this seminar will receive a certificate of completion. ACSM CE's available. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Following Dr. Michael around the Globe!Sao_Paulo_BestPic

October 3-6 Dr. Arloski will be in Sao Paulo, Brazil addressing the 10th Annual Congress of the Brazilian Association for the Quality of Life (ABVQ). His plenary speech will be on “Challenges and New Trends In Behavior Change.” He will also be presenting an introductory workshop on wellness coaching as a pre-conference, two-day, eight-hour program. These students will then have the option to enroll in a follow-up webinar to complete certification as Wellness Mapping 360°Wellness Coaches.


October 20-23 Dr. Arloski will be the keynote speaker at the International Congress of Sport and Physical Activity of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores Islands. The Azores Islands are a two hours by jet west of Portugal. He will also be delivering a workshop there on “Wellness Coaching Conversations”.


Wellness Coaching News

Books by Dr. Michael


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Health Coaching Books

All books can be purchased through wholeperson.com or Amazon.com


Dr. Michael Arloski

Advancing the Craft of Health & Wellness Coaching

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Craft - Community - Cause

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