About Dr. Michael Arloski
Michael Arloski, Ph.D., PCC, NBC - HWC is a licensed psychologist, National Board Certified Coach (NBHWC), Professional Certified Coach (ICF) and a Certified Wellness Practitioner. One of the key developers of the field of wellness coaching, his book Wellness Coaching For Lasting Lifestyle Change (published by Whole Person Asscociates) is the first and most comprehensive book written on wellness and health coaching. Professionally contributing to the field of wellness since 1979 he has presented at the National Wellness Conference over twenty five times, and has keynoted and presented on wellness on four continents. He has been recognized by the National Wellness Institute (www.nationalwellness.org) as a member of it's Service and Leadership Circle.
Always fascinated with the interaction of mind and body, beliefs and behavior, Dr. Arloski was president of the Ohio Society for Behavioral Health and Biofeedback. He has taken this fascination and expertise into the field of lifestyle medicine with coaching methodologies that help people thrive, not just survive their health challenges. If there is a specialization as a "wellness psychologist", Dr. Arloski qualifies.
Continuallyworking since the late 1970’s to help people find ways to improve their lifestyles, Dr. Michael Arloski is a thinker who synthesizes wellness down to what really works. A key developer in the field of wellness coaching, he is the CEO of Real Balance Global Wellness Services llc and creator of the Wellness Mapping 360 model of Wellness Coaching that focuses on the skills Health & Wellness Pofessionals need to support Lasting Lifestyle Change.
Arloski enjoys speaking and keynoting conferences and programs worldwide.
Michael and his wife, Deborah, live, work and play together in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. They are blessed with a wonderful blended, or "patchwork", family of young adult children. Michael is a twenty-year practitioner of the moving meditation of Tai Chi. Moving through nature is a life-long passion of his as well. He is an ardent nature photographer and writer, hiker, canoeist, camper and backpacker. He loves travel and is especially fascinated by cultures and ecosystems around the world.