Well Travel Tip #8 - The best souvenirs…well living ideas to bring back and implement!
As you travel, anywhere, be a keen observer of HOW people live. Write down what you see (and taste!) and bring home the best observations as ideas for how you can live your life in a better way.
If you enjoyed walking to a local market every couple of days, find a way to do that here at home.
- If you don’t live near a market, schedule a walk in a park near the store and then shop.
- If you enjoyed bicycling through town, find where you can do that more at home.
- If you envied the great sense of community that people enjoyed, come back and talk with friends and family about how to build that at home.
- If you loved that slowed-down lifestyle (perhaps the single biggest appeal of many destinations), observe how folks do it as you travel and see how much of that lifestyle you can bring home.
Sure, there are many differences between “here” and “there”. We may live where urban sprawl has killed many of these opportunities to walk and bicycle to a marketplace. We may have to get pretty creative at it, but take ideas home with you. They and your memories are the best of souvenirs!
Check out two related articles by Dr. Arloski are on the Real Balance Global Wellness Services website: “Living Like You Were In Tuscany” and “Lifestyle as Art”. Download them free at: http://realbalance.com/resources/articles-a-resources/cat_view/16-articles
2010 "Wellness & Health Coach" Certification Training Schedule
The first 5 people who register for the Wellness Mapping 360º™ "Wellness & Health Coach" Certification (32 hours) training after receiving this newsletter will receive the Your Journey to a Healthier Life, Paths of Wellness guided journal - free of charge! Class prices are going up on January 1, 2011 - Register Now!
Wellness Mapping 360°™ “Wellness & Health Coach" Certification (20 + 12 hrs) Ideal for EAP, Disease Management, Nurses, Health Educators, Fitness Trainers, Sports Medicine, Chiropractors, Physicians, Mental Health Professionals and Coaches specializing in health & wellness applications. If you do not see your profession represented here please talk with us directly.
32 Professional hours of contact hours for nurses "This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credent
ialing Center's Commission on Accreditation"
The American College of Sports Medicine’s Professional Education Committee certifies that this Continuing Education offering meets the criteria for 32 credit hours of ACSM Continuing Education Credit.
Learn how to motivate others toward health and positive lasting lifestyle change.
2010 Webinar & Teleconference Training Schedule Webinar based classes are interactive and the closest to being in a live classroom. You hear and see the instructor along with the presentation directly on your computer screen. You can ask questions and have them answered in real time. You access the webinar via your computer (a steady internet connection is needed) and all classes are recorded for later viewing.Teleconference classes are held on a bridge line that we provide. Students call the tlephone number they are given and enter passwords to gain access to the training. Thses classes are interactive though audio only. Telephone charges depend on your carrier. All classes are recorded for future listening.
$200 incentive for combined registration $1,175.00 - $200 = $975! Additional 10% off with early registration!
Wellness Mapping 360© “Wellness Coach” Certification (20 hours) Learn wellness coaching competencies and a structured, proven methodology that effectively supports the individual’s movement toward healthy lifestyle change.
- August 2/10 – 9/1/10 – 7pm – 9pm est (M/W) early registration date past
- August 3/10 – 9/2/10 – 12pm – 2pm est (T/TH) early registration date past
- October 12/10 – 11/11/10 – 12pm – 2pm est (T/TH) early registration date 8/16/10
- October 12/10 – 11/11/10 – 7pm – 9pm est (T/TH) Teleconference - early registration date 8/16/10
$745.00 US- Registration fee includes course manual, digital tool package, and web-based support. You will need to purchase the book Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change.
Wellness Mapping 360© “Health Coach” Certification (12 hrs) Wellness Coach Certificate is a pre-requisite Participants learn to apply the WM360 model of wellness coaching to working with people with health challenges and in different settings including working the model with groups.
- October 11/10 – 10/27/10 12-2pm est (M/W)
- November 16/10 – 12/9/10 12pm - 2pm est (T/TH) Skip thanksgiving week
- November 16/10 – 12/9/10 – 7pm - 9pm est (T/TH)Teleconference Skip thanksgiving week
- November 15/10 – 12/8/10 – 7pm - 9pm est (M/W) Skip thanksgiving week
$430 US - Registration fee includes course manual and web based supports. Participants need to purchase Paths of Wellness, Your Journey to a Healthier Life.
Join Dr. Michael Arloski at the National Wellness Conference!
A great wellness focused conference!
Great people!
Great Fun!
Great Learning Opportunities!
Great Pre-conference Certification Programs!
Preconference Information
National Wellness Conference Information - pdf

December 2010 - Live and On Location in San Diego
Wellness Mapping 360 "Wellness & Health Coach" Certification Intensive (32 hrs) More to Come Soon!
Brazil! October 3-6 Dr. Arloski will be in Sao Paulo, Brazil addressing the Tenth Annual Congress of the Brazilian Association for the Quality of Life (ABVQ). Hi
s plenary speech will be on “Challenges and New Trends In Behavior Change.” He will also be presenting an introductory workshop on wellness coaching as a pre-conference, two-day, eight-hour program. These students will then have the option of enrolling in a follow-up webinar and be able to complete certification as Wellness Mapping 360° Wellness Coaches.
The Azores: October 20-23 Dr. Arloski will be the keynote speaker at the International Congress of Sport and Physical Activity of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores Islands. The Azores Islands are two hours by jet west of Portugal. He will also be delivering a workshop there on “Wellness Coaching Conversations”