Wellness & Health Coach Certification Webinar Intensive - November 2024

Wellness & Health Coach Certification Webinar Intensive - November 2024

Wellness Mapping 360°™ Wellness Coaching Methodology

The First Step Towards the National Board (NBHWC) Certification or Credentialing With the International Coach Federation (ICF)

This is a 40 hour Wellness & Health Coach Certification Webinar delivered via interactive webinar over 10 weeks. No classes Thanksgiving or Christmas weeks.

November 8, 2024 - January 24, 2025 (10 Fridays)

11:00pm - 1:00pm Eastern time

1:00pm - 2:00pm Break (ET)

2:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern time

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For Information on classes or to register offline call 1-866-568-4702 Toll Free or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Class Date 11-08-24
Class End Date 01-24-25
Cut Off Date 11-08-24
Individual Price 1,695.00
Location Webinar

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Dr. Michael Arloski

Advancing the Craft of Health & Wellness Coaching

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