Wellness & Health Coach Certification - MaineHealth November 2020

Wellness Mapping 360° ™ Wellness & Health Coach Certification Training

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 MaineHealth Education & Training has partnered with Real Balance Health Coach Training Institute to bring professional health coach training and certification to MaineHealth.

Evidence demonstrates that health coaching can have a positive impact on health care delivery in terms of lifestyle changes, medication compliance, and a host of other changes that reap big rewards for patients and the health care system. With Accountable Care and the Patient Centered Medical Home in the forefront of healthcare delivery, health coaches are becoming an integral part of the health team. Coaches apply clearly defined knowledge and skills so clients can mobilize internal strengths and external resources for sustainable change.

November 5th, 6th & 12th & 13th

MaineHealth system employees:
$1,350 per person. Enter your organization at checkout.
$100 discount for paying by check or transfer- Use promo code “MHcheck”

Attendees not employed by the MaineHealth system:
$1,595 per person.
$100 early registration discount- Use promo code “CoachEarly” by Oct. 24.

The Learning Resource Center

Maine Medical Center – Scarborough Campus – West Entrance

100 Campus Drive – Scarborough

Includes 400 page manual, a CD ToolKit, and the book Wellness Coaching for lasting Lifestyle Change

Register: MHeducation.CourseStorm.com or email Mary Bitterauff with questions This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wellness Mapping 360°™ Methodology (40 hours -  3 days on Location and 16 Hours of Interactive Webinars) $1,695.00.

Our On location Wellness Mapping 360™ “Wellness & Health Coach” Certification includes the same content as the webinar.

Included with Registration:

The books:
Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change

Masterful Health and Wellness Coaching: Deepening Your Craft both by Dr. Michael Arloski

  • Digital Tool Kit
  • Health & Wellness Coach Certifications

Who should attend ?
All Health and Coaching professionals interested in learning the skills to support positive lifestyle change.

Knowledge and Skills Gained

  • Proficiency in wellness coaching skills
  • Proficiency in the Wellness Mapping 360°™ method of wellness coaching
  • Proficiency in the use of the wellness coaching with clients who have health challenges from prevention through recovery
  • Knowledge of and the ability to use "Readiness for Change" to support a clients forward movement toward health & wellbeing
  • An understanding of the role of wellness coaching in medical compliance
  • A grounding in health promotion concepts
  • Proficiency in the use of the wellness coaching conversation to resolve client ambivalence
  • A working understanding of Positive Psychology and Behavioral Change Psychology as they apply to lifestyle.
  • An understanding of how to apply wellness/health coaching skills in different settings
  • Proficiency in the development and facilitation of wellness coaching groups

This Wellness & Health Coach Certification Training Intensive is a comprehensive program that provides participants with in-depth skill building experience and the practical knowledge base of Wellness/Health Coaching.

Structure of the Live Program: The course takes place over three days, generally Thursday thru Saturday to make it easier on those who have to take time off from work to attend. At times we host "Combo: classes with 3 live onlocation days followed by 16 hours of interactive webinars. The daily, 8:30am – 5:30pm live sessions are interactive and experiential, giving plenty of time for discussion and practice. Classes are kept small (under 30) to enhance the connection between participants and the overall learning that takes place in the group. You will also be trained to use a CD Tool Kit that consists of wellness coaching tools, communication tools, and forms designed to support client interactions and implementation of the program with your clients, patients, students, or employees. The content in the live combo three-day intensive is the same as in the 40 hour Wellness & Health Coach Certification Webinars.

Certificate of Attendance: A Certificate of Attendance will be granted with completion of the 40 content training hours and completion of the course evaluation.

The Certification Completion Process: To become a certified Wellness & Health Coach participants must complete 40 contact training hours, 6 buddy coaching sessions (formative), complete the final exam with a grade of 75% or higher, and successfully complete a case study (pass/fail).

Cancellation Policy: Cancellation prior to 10 days before to the start of the training will result in a full refund of your registration fee. After the 10 day window your tuition can be applied to registration in another class (needs to be applied within 2 years)

  • This training has been approved for 40 continuing education contact hours for NBHWC, CHES, Nurses, CDR, and approved for 48 ICF coach specific training hours. This program is an Approved Program during the transition phase with the NBHWC https://nbhwc.org
  • “This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association’s Education Approver committee, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation".
  • Approval for contact hours through the AHNA is based on an assessment of the educational merit of this program and does not constitute endorsement of the use of any specific modality in the care of clients.”

Lodging and transportation assistance available with request.

For Information on classes or to register offline call 1-866-568-4702 Toll Free or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Class Date 11-05-20
Class End Date 11-13-20
Cut Off Date 11-05-20
Individual Price $1,595.00
Location Webinar

Wellness Coaching News

Books by Dr. Michael


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Health Coaching Books

All books can be purchased through wholeperson.com or Amazon.com


Dr. Michael Arloski

Advancing the Craft of Health & Wellness Coaching

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