NBHWC Path - "Top Up"

$1,345.00 each

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The path is for those who have successfully completed the core Wellness & Health Coach Certification through Real Balance GWS after 2016, kept their certification with us current and want to meet take the classes to meet the requirements to apply to sit for the National Credential. If you took the foundation class prior to 2016 and kept your certification current, talk with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • Healthy Lifestyle & Chronic Disease (15 hours self-paced) $250.00
  • Masterful Wellness & Health Coaching: Advance Skills & Craft (20 hours) $1095.00
  • Personal Skills Assessment (PSA) $200.00


You will also need to watch the Ethics and Legal Modules and Coaching Structure Video's for the foundational class you already took to count as the current 40 hours. We do not charge for this.

When you Bundle the classes and the PSA review together you save $200.00

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